# Vuepress

Frequently used vuepress settings.

# Installation

Initialize with your preferred package manager.

$ yarn init -y
$ yarn add -D vuepress
$ mkdir docs && cd docs
$ echo '# Hello VuePress' > README.md
$ echo '' > .vuepress/config.js


  "scripts": {
    "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs",
    "docs:build": "vuepress build docs"

Recommended official plugin.

$ yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-active-header-links
$ yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top
$ yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics
$ yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom
$ yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-nprogress

Serve the documentation site in the local server.

$ yarn docs:dev

# Configure


# Title

module.exports = {
  title: 'Hello VuePress',

# Description

module.exports = {
  description: 'Just playing around',
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    logo: "./logo.png",
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    nav: [
      { text: "Home", link: "/" },
      { text: "Example", link: "/#example" },
      { text: "External", link: "https://github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPO>" },

Single page sidebar

`-- docs/
    `-- README.md
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    sidebar: "auto",

Multiple page sidebar

`-- docs/
    |-- ex1/
    |   `-- example1.md
    `-- ex2/
        `-- example2.md
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    sidebar: [
        title: "Example1",
        collapsable: false,
        children: ["/ex/example1"],
        title: "Example2",
        collapsable: false,
        children: ["/ex/example2"],
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    search: true,
    searchMaxSuggestions: 10,
    searchPlaceholder: "Search...",
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    prevLinks: true,
    nextLinks: true,

# LastUpdated

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    lastUpdated: "Last Updated",

# SmoothScroll

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    smoothScroll: true,

# Plugins

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        sidebarLinkSelector: ".sidebar-link",
        headerAnchorSelector: ".header-anchor",
    ["@vuepress/back-to-top", true],
        searchMaxSuggestions: 10,
        ga: "",

# Deploying

Create remote branch "gh-pages".

# Set git information

$ git config user.name <USERNAME>
$ git config user.email <USERMAIL>

# Generate a new SSH key

Generate a new single SSH key without password on macOS.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C "user@example.com" -N ''
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Generate a new single SSH key without password on window.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C "user@example.com" -N ''
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ vi ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Generate new multiple SSH keys without password on macOS.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/<USERNAME>_id_rsa -C <user@example.com> -N ''
$ vim ~/.ssh/config
Host <USERNAME>.github.com
     HostName github.com
     User git
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<USERNAME>_id_rsa
     IdentitiesOnly yes

$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/<USERNAME>_id_rsa.pub

# Edit the git repo address

single SSH key

$ vim deploy.sh
git push -f git@github.com:<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git master:gh-pages

multiple SSH keys

$ vim deploy.sh
git push -f git@<USERNAME>.github.com:<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git master:gh-pages

# Run the script

$ chmod +x ./deploy.sh
$ ./deploy.sh

# Travis CI

Generate a new personal access token on Github.

  • What’s this token for? <REPO>_TRAVIS_CI_TOKEN
  • repo (Full control of private repositories) - check

Register the token in the Travis CI environment variable.


# Reference

Last Updated: 7/10/2021, 1:54:53 PM